“Empowering Future Leaders: The Quality Summer Funcamp 2024 Celebrates Innovation, Safety, and Experiential Learning”

Shri Sanjay Kumar, Secretary of the Department for School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, participated in the virtual award ceremony of the second edition of the “Quality Summer Funcamp” on 6 September 2024, organized by the National Board for Quality Promotion (NBQP), under the Quality Council of India (QCI). The event was attended by state officials, industry leaders, educators, and parents nationwide.

In his address, Shri Sanjay Kumar emphasized the critical role of experiential learning in school curricula, noting that it inspires a lifelong passion for learning and equips students to face future challenges. He set an ambitious target of 10,00,000 students for future participation in the Quality Summer Funcamps, underscoring the pivotal role of quality in shaping the future of education, industry, and society.

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Dr. A. Raj, CEO of NBQP, in his welcome speech, commended the energy and innovation displayed by the students, calling them the torchbearers of the Quality Bharat Mission. The initiative, according to Dr. Raj, empowers the youth to lead India toward a quality-driven future.

The 2024 Funcamp, themed “Safety Stars: Shining Bright with Quality,” ran from 15 April to 20 July 2024. It focused on safety and quality in daily life, inspiring the next generation to embrace these values. The camp attracted over 13,000 entries from all 36 States/UTs of India, with competitions designed to encourage creativity while instilling principles of quality and safety. These competitions included essay writing, drawing, short video creation, and quizzes, all aimed at reflecting on quality’s importance in building a safer, more sustainable future.

The Quality Summer Funcamp is a key initiative that aims to ignite children’s imagination by embedding quality values across various sectors like food, healthcare, and education. As the event concluded, the participants were reminded that their journey as “Safety Stars” is just beginning, and the quality values they carry will help shape India’s future in innovation and excellence.

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The Quality Summer Funcamp is a significant initiative designed to integrate the values of quality and safety into the everyday lives of young students across India, aiming to mold them into future decision-makers. This initiative, under the Quality Council of India (QCI), is part of a broader national movement to promote a Quality Bharat Mission, where the next generation will be responsible for upholding and furthering the standards of quality across diverse sectors.

In his remarks, Shri Sanjay Kumar emphasized that incorporating experiential learning into school programs helps students actively engage with their education. This active participation fosters critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which are vital for tackling future challenges. He noted that these camps, which blend fun with learning, are instrumental in cultivating a passion for quality at an early age.

Dr. A. Raj, CEO of the National Board for Quality Promotion (NBQP), echoed this sentiment, recognizing the impressive talents showcased by students. He highlighted that the initiative is not just about competitions but is a movement to embed quality into the very fabric of society. He remarked that the youth, with their fresh ideas and enthusiasm, are pivotal to leading India into a future where quality becomes a national ethos.

The theme of this year’s Funcamp, “Safety Stars: Shining Bright with Quality,” was particularly relevant as it highlighted the essential role of safety and quality standards in various aspects of daily life. The camp’s focus on areas such as food, habitat, toys, healthcare, and sustainability, combined with student participation in activities like essay writing, drawing, video creation, and quizzes, provided a holistic approach to understanding how quality-driven safety measures can enhance communities and livelihoods.

One of the key takeaways from this year’s event was the importance of student empowerment. By engaging children in activities that emphasize the principles of quality and safety, the Funcamp ensures that these values are not only understood but are actively practiced in the real world. The enthusiastic participation of over 13,000 students from all 36 States and Union Territories demonstrated the nationwide impact of this initiative.

The vision for the Quality Summer Funcamp goes beyond just competitions; it seeks to inspire students to become quality champions in their communities. Shri Sanjay Kumar’s ambitious target of 10,00,000 participants for future editions reflects the government’s commitment to making quality education a cornerstone of India’s growth and development.

As the virtual ceremony concluded, the dignitaries encouraged students to continue their journey as “Safety Stars,” carrying forward the values of quality and safety into their future endeavors. They emphasized that by embracing these principles, India’s youth will be well-positioned to drive innovation, excellence, and sustainability, ensuring India’s path to becoming a global leader in various sectors.

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